Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Dark Side

This week's Project Quilting Challenge was "Across the Universe". Well I don't know much about space…and anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a Beatles fan…because that would be like…sacrilegious…according to any true Stones fan.

So round about Friday morning I was struggling for an idea for this week's challenge. Then I connected the dots: Sexy Pants is a Floyd fan. Dark Side of the Moon!! I thought improv piecing this album cover would be fairly simple and quick.


I think I finished hand-stitching the binding at 3:30 am this morning, so please excuse the hurried post and photos. The up-side is…I finished the new season of House of Cards and got through the first 3 seasons of Downton Abbey for the 5,689th time while making this quilt.  :)

The Dark Side

As you can tell from the multiple shades of black, I used solids from my scrap bin for the top. I actually had everything I needed for the quilt down in my shop - which was lucky since I worked on it for 2.5 days straight. There wasn't much time to go out in search of supplies. And I pieced the top and back entirely on my Featherweight.
Pieced with Scraps
I used my new Grace Frame and trusty Juki 2010Q to quilt wavy lines.
That part was super fun! I LOVE my Grace Frame.
Pieced Back

Quilt Label
This is my first pieced back! Usually by the time I finish a quilt top, I just want to get to quilting and finishing. Piecing a back seems like such a monumental task to fit somewhere in between. However, they always look fun when other people do them…and I thought Sexy Pants was worth the extra effort…so Voila! I had to throw in a few hearts to make sure S.P. knows he's loved.
Project Quilting Challenge #4

Finally Sexy Pants has a quilt of his very own, and he can stop stealing mine. But now I feel that a Stones Quilt is in order, because I'm slightly jealous.

Quilt Name: The Dark Side
Finished Size: 53" x 72"
I create in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.



  1. Turned out great. I am interested in that Gracie frame?

    1. Thanks Kris! The Gracie frame is AMAZING. (Well I should say…in combination with the Gracie Stitch Regulator). If you have a machine that will work with those two things - go for it! I didn't want to spend all the money on a long arm, so this was my compromise, and it is working out spectacularly.

  2. Excellent! And I'm such a big music geek, I think you can love them all.

    1. I suppose you're right. I'm a closet listener to a select few Beatles songs. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, though. P.S….your Facebook profile pic makes me giggle every time I see it. You should never change it. Ever.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Cindy. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Eeeeek!

  4. fantastic! I love it! Didn't you just get your frame? I'm jealous at how comfortable you are already at getting it loaded and quilting on it!

    1. Thanks so much Kim! Am having such great fun with your challenges. :) And the Grace Frame + Juki is the ultimate Dynamic Duo. I am in love all over again.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Jennifer. So excited to see you next month. Have been looking forward to Sew South 2014 since about 30 seconds after Sew South 2013 ended. :)

  6. I love it. Great use of the challenge theme. You have my vote.

  7. Very nice. Love how you pieced the back.

    1. Hooray! You successfully posted a comment. Your computer skills are astounding ;) Love you.
